Rob Lowden invites you to join the IU Leadership Community

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The IT leadership community is core to the culture of IT at IU. With over two decades of graduates, the program focuses on communication and community, essential leadership skills for the IT leader of today. For those that are just beginning their journey or well along their path, the IT leadership community is a wonderful opportunity to advance your leadership. Begin your journey today.

Featured Alumni

After the IT Leadership Program, I felt like I was empowered to be a leader in any setting.

Nathan Byrer Learn more

I found that I am a better public speaker than I thought and have had a couple of public speaking engagements since Boot Camp.

Lynne Crohn Learn more

I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now without that professional development.

Anna Greene Learn more

Be selfless. It’s not about you—it’s about those who work with you. Personal relationships are what count.

Wayne Husted Learn more

Because of my love of working with people and technology, every role I’ve held with IU has been in client support.

Renee Jackson Learn more

Whether you attend an ITLC workshop, participate in the book club, or serve on an ITLC action team, I encourage you to make time to continue to build and hone your leadership skills.

Michele Kelmer Learn more

Be fearless. There are so many great ideas that never see the light of day because people are scared they'll look dumb or assume it's been tried before. It's better to try and fail than to never try at all.

Megan May Learn more

JUST DO IT. I was skeptical at the start, but quickly realized that this was no ordinary leadership program.

Mark Napier Learn more

The best thing about Boot Camp was the people. Meeting all the participants and being able to hear from AVPs and others from around IU as they spoke and shared their knowledge.

Nate Pairitz Learn more

Both Boot Camp and ITLP opened my eyes to how I can be a better person and leader.

Tim Ryder Learn more

One of the biggest takeaways I had from a specific Boot Camp session was the need to step back and take some time to look at the bigger picture.

Matt Sargent Learn more

There's an art to being direct and yet conveying to a person that you care about them as a human being.

Lee Staton Learn more

The experience provided a rare opportunity to develop meaningful professional relationships with an incredibly diverse set of colleagues that would not have been possible otherwise.

Chris Tompkins Learn more

Along with 29 other UITS colleagues, I was the fortunate recipient of an invitation to participate in this year's IT Leadership Boot Camp.

Teresa Velasquez Learn more

Thanks to IT Leadership Boot Camp, I spent deep, quality hours with many colleagues and made new friends with whom I regularly keep in touch in the CIB or at Statewide IT.

Tom Visnius Learn more

I think we have seen something like 250 people go through that program [Boot Camp] now in 10 years, so that is very rewarding to me.

Alan Walsh Learn more

Embracing the vision is understanding that you are part of something larger than yourself. Here, we are actually part of something I consider a noble effort.

Ian Washburn Learn more

Additional Resources

IT Leadership Community

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