IT Leaders Bootcamp

IT Leadership Boot Camp

Each year, UITS offers the IT Leadership Boot Camp, a leadership workshop designed for emerging leaders in information technology at IU. Thirty-six participants will have the chance to engage in three full-day, interactive summer sessions focused on Strengths Based Leadership, networking with colleagues, and honing essential leadership skills.

In these dynamic and interactive sessions, you'll explore key leadership competencies, deepen your self-awareness, and jump-start your leadership journey. You will also take the Strengths Finder survey, facilitated by University Human Resources Organizational Development, and use the results to apply your strengths to leadership practices. Additionally, you'll have numerous opportunities to expand your professional network and better understand your colleagues.

If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, watch for an email about application openings in early spring 2025. Since attendance on all three days is required, be sure to plan ahead and discuss your interest with your manager, as their approval will be needed during the application process.

If you're a past Boot Camp participant and would like to volunteer on future planning teams, please reach out to a member of ITLC leadership.

IT(LC) Bootcamp introduced me to an incredible group of colleagues and reinforced the importance of iterative leadership training.

Suzanne Fodor

Additional Resources

IT Leadership Community

To reach an ITLC member for more information, contact