IT Leadership Boot Camp
Every year, UITS sponsors a leadership workshop called IT Leadership Boot Camp for up-and-coming leaders in information technology at IU. Thirty-six people will have the opportunity to participate in three full-day, interactive summer sessions to learn about Strengths Based Leadership, interact with colleagues, and practice leadership competencies.
Through our highly energetic and interactive sessions, you’ll become familiar with leadership competencies, probe self-awareness, and initiate your leadership development. You will get the opportunity to take the Strengths Finder survey, facilitated by University Human Resources Organizational Development, and apply your strengths to learn about Strengths Based Leadership. Additionally, opportunities will abound to strengthen your knowledge about who your colleagues are and expand your network.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please apply by March 20, 2024, 5pm ET. Submit your name and answer a few questions about why you would like to attend. Your attendance on all three days is critical. In the application you are asked to confirm your availability and, if selected, clear any other commitments for those days. Also, you should talk to your manager, so they are aware of your interest. Your manager’s information is required on the application and they will be asked to confirm your availability and provide input.
If you are a past Boot Camp participant and interested in volunteering in future planning teams, please contact ITLC leadership.