This presentation will discuss the many forms of leadership, from some are more obvious ones, such as the medical personnel currently working amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, to others, such as those soldiers in combat who earn the Medal of Honor. In the world of business and education, the IT world employees continue as the underappreciated support to most functions, and leadership becomes less obvious at many levels. The guidance, direction, function control, management, planning, and many other roles each contain leadership qualities. The advising, patience and inventiveness in three scenarios will demonstrate how leaders lead with effort and example, and that leading and following have a special place -- especially at Indiana University.
Rick Whitman, Ed.D., had overlapping federal civilian and military careers of nearly 40 years each. Dr. Whitman worked in safety and radiation management at local, regional, and national levels and in Active Army, National Guard, and Army Reserve, from Private to Colonel, with more than twenty years of command time. His four mobilizations included service as the lead negotiator in Bosnia-Hercegovina and as a Brigade Commander. Since retirement from these, he has taught 92 semester classes including Risk Analysis for Public Safety for the IUPUI O'Neill SPEA and completed an Ed.D. in College Science Education.