While leadership broadly requires the ability to provide direction and influence others, a more subtle and less appreciated attribute emerges in the leadership of smaller groups: the ability to build trust and facilitate open communication. The need for self-awareness and the development of strong interpersonal skills underlies both approaches. Leadership Reimagined offers an integrated approach that enables the effective leader to move effectively from a large to small group and the one-to-one relationship that develops between leaders and followers.
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Dr. Jan Hillier teaches courses in organization design, leadership, strategy, management consulting, and team development in five programs: undergraduate business, MBA, the honors-level Liberal Arts Management Program (LAMP), Kelley Direct online MBA, and Hutton Honors College. For the past three years she has taught Leadership: The Inner Journey for LAMP and Hutton. Jan has an extensive background and over twenty-five years of experience as a management consultant specializing in organization effectiveness, leadership development, change management, and cultural transformation. Having been a consultant with McKinsey & Company for five years, she brings a strategic, system-oriented problem-solving approach to her work.