Champion of Leadership Development

2024 Winner

Renee Petrina

"Renee recently created a new service with eLearning Design and Services, the Instructional Design Clinic for online learning. She hired a team of remote instructional designers from across the country, and thanks to her leadership the team has established a wonderful rapport with each other, as well as exceptional service to clients. As co-chair of IU Women in IT (IUWIT), she worked tirelessly to find sponsorship. Thanks to her efforts, IUWIT now offers professional development grants in addition to networking opportunities, a book discussion group, mentoring, and other events. Renee is a constant fixture at ITLC tabling events and her friendly nature - along with a gift for remembering people and connecting them to others - expands professional development and personal connections among everyone she meets. Renee has also expanded our participation with the Big Ten Academic Alliance Women+ in Technology peer group, including leading a session on the IU career development system. "

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